Articles in this series
Introduction: I am a blogger. And I am also a programmer. So, it is natural for me to think about how exactly the platforms that I use to publish my...
Introduction: Snakes and Ladder is a game from India. It is played on a board. The goal of the game is to achieve the position of 100, and the player...
Introduction: If you’re an experienced guy, then you probably will laugh at me for writing a blog post about such a simple project. I mean really?...
Regular headaches for a blind developer. It is a testament to the 21st century that despite being unable to see, I can write, and put out my thoughts...
Chat GPT from a programmer’s point-of-view. In the November of 2022, OpenAI released their chatbot Chat GPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer),...
Everyone likes to make a list of the things they know already in software world. Here’s a list of the things I don’t know yet. As I’ve said in the...